
In order to improve the image encryption system’s ability to resist plaintext, noise, and data loss attacks, in this paper, a new plaintext-related and chaos-based image encryption scheme is proposed, which includes two rounds of encryption operations. The block parity checking, performed in the first round of encryption, is used to associate the plaintext information with a secret key so that the encryption scheme can resist plaintext attacks. Moreover, repetitive coding, which is adopted in the second round of encryption, is used to protect the plaintext-related parameters against noise and data loss attacks. Meanwhile, a high-speed digital chaotic sequence generator based on permutation polynomials and residue number system is also presented. The detailed performance evaluations, including key space, key sensitivity, differential attack resisting ability, anti-noise ability, correlation coefficient, and information entropy, show that our scheme not only possesses the properties of good randomness and large key space but also has a high degree of robustness against plaintext, noise, and data loss attacks.

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