
We argue that the observed temperature and altitude structure at the base of Saturn’s polar thermosphere implies the presence of a deep, warm-cored, anticyclonic vortex that extends deep into the mesosphere, and possibly into the stratosphere. This would be a unique structure in the solar system: a permanent, large-scale middle atmospheric feature that is a direct consequence of magnetosphere-atmosphere coupling. We investigate the plausibility of the suggestion that this deep vortex is linked to the observed non-seasonal polar hotspots in Saturn’s stratosphere. We develop a simple model of the dynamics and thermal structure of the middle atmosphere polar vortex, assuming vertical viscous transport is dominant and that the zonal winds are close to geostrophic balance. The model requires the existence of a small poleward ageostrophic wind which causes compressional heating, producing the required pressure gradients. This scenario is supported by a re-analysis of previously published thermospheric modelling results. Using this model we estimate the extent to which the thermospheric vortex penetrates into the deeper atmosphere. The results are very sensitive to the distribution of eddy viscosity. The models which best match the thermospheric temperatures produce a polar hotspot in the stratosphere that is hotter and broader than observed, indicating that our model, while a useful starting point, is incomplete. We also point out a puzzle concerning the half-widths of the polar hotspot and the polar altitude bulge at the base of the thermosphere. We are able to explain the greater width of the hotspot provided that there is enhanced downwards vertical transport of angular momentum closer to the pole, a situation that is expected given the strong convergence and downwelling predicted in this region. Finally, we speculate that the tropospheric polar cyclone could be connected to the anticyclonic vortex in the thermosphere.

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