
Abstract We give a parametrization of square roots of the ideal class of the inverse different of rings defined by binary forms in terms of the orbits of a coregular representation. This parametrization, which can be construed as a new integral model of a “higher composition law” discovered by Bhargava and generalized by Wood, was the missing ingredient needed to solve a range of previously intractable open problems concerning distributions of class groups, Selmer groups, and related objects. For instance, in this paper, we apply the parametrization to bound the average size of the 2-class group in families of number fields defined by binary n-ic forms, where n ≥ 3 {n\geq 3} is an arbitrary integer, odd or even; in the paper [A. Swaminathan, Most integral odd-degree binary forms fail to properly represent a square, preprint 2020], we applied it to prove that most integral odd-degree binary forms fail to primitively represent a square; and in the paper [M. Bhargava, A. Shankar and A. Swaminathan, The second moment of the size of the 2-Selmer group of elliptic curves, preprint 2021], joint with Bhargava and Shankar, we applied it to bound the second moment of the size of the 2-Selmer group of elliptic curves.

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