
Modeling of cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) is available for its advantage in efficiency and usually performed for optimizing CICC in a magnetic system. It is an important part of design and analysis of the central solenoid model coil (CSMC) for the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR). This paper is intended to provide a finite-element method with an ANSYS module to deal with the integrated analysis of thermal and fluid models of CICC. The CICC model is based on the NbTi conductor of the CFETR CSMC. It cooled by supercritical helium. One-dimensional elements of thermal and fluid are used to represent CICC components of conduit, strands, and two separated fluid areas of the bundle and the central hole, respectively. Test verification of a short length of the full-size conductor in the SULTAN facility is also presented.

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