
Dwarf satellite galaxies undergo strong tidal forces produced by the main galaxy potential. These forces disturb the satellite and produce asymmetries in its stellar distribution, tidal tail formation, and modifications of the velocity dispersion profiles. Most of these features are observed in the Ursa Minor (UMi) dwarf spheroidal galaxy, which is one of the closest satellites of the Milky Way. These features show that UMi is being tidally disrupted and is probably not in virial equilibrium. The high-velocity dispersion of UMi would also be a reflection of this tidal disruption and is not the signature of the large dark matter content that would be deduced if virial equilibrium is assumed. In order to avoid the uncertainty produced when virial equilibrium is assumed in systems in strong tidal fields, we present a new method of calculating the mass-to-luminosity ratio of disrupted dwarf galaxies. This method is based on numerical simulations and only takes into account the shape of the dwarf density profile and the tidal tail brightness, but it does not depend on the kinematics of the dwarf. Applying this method to UMi, we obtain a mass-to-luminosity relation of 12, which is lower than the value obtained assuming virial equilibrium (M/L = 60). In addition, if UMi has a large dark matter content, it will be impossible to reproduce a tidal tail as luminous as the one observed.

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