
The choosability of a dye from the dye bath depends on the external diffusion from the solution to the surface of the substrate to be painted, as well as on the internal diffusion, in which the dye moves from the surface into the deep layers of the substrate. For the first time, in this work, a dyeing plant was used for dyeing fur sheepskin, allowing to reduce the negative effect of temperature reduction on the choosability of the dye, due to the forced movement of the dye solution through the hair of the fur substrate. The principle laid down in the operation of this dyeing plant differs from the dyeing processes by dipping methods in barges or similar dyeing devices. In this work, we have modeled and proposed the use of a new method of dyeing fur sheepskin, and determined the optimal conditions for its technical implementation. We provide experimental confirmation of the dependence of the effectiveness of dyeing fur sheepskin on temperature when using the proposed method of dyeing fur sheepskin, conducting studies to determine the effect of various additives on the temperature dependence. The new method allows to paint only the hair part of the sheepskin, protecting the leather fabric from the effects of the dye solution and eliminating shrinkage of the leather fabric, as well as economically spending the components of the dye bath.

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