
Staged auricular reconstruction remains mainstream among the various techniques of microtia reconstruction using autogenous costal cartilage. The initial stage involves fabrication and implantation of the cartilage framework, followed by projection of the reconstructed auricle in the second stage. During the projection stage, the line of incision is usually made close to the helical rim, from the superoanterior margin of the helical rim to the region of the lobule. Generally, a fascial flap is raised and covered over a cartilage block to project the auricle, and a skin graft is inset over the raw surface of the newly created postauricular sulcus. The authors developed a new refinement for the second-stage auricular projection, whereby the skin cover for the raw surface over the posterior aspect of the auricle and the postauricular sulcus is an ultra-delicate split-thickness skin graft raised in continuity with the full-thickness skin over the anterior aspect of the auricle. Incorporation of this new technique has minimized the visibility of suture lines and improved the appearance of the superior otobasion. In addition, the dimension of the skin cover required can be designed with greater precision. Postoperative outcomes using this new technique for auricular projection have been more than satisfactory. More favorable results that carry less surgical stigma can now be achieved in auricular reconstruction using this new modification of Nagata's two-stage method.

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