
Abstract This paper proposes a new method for assessing static voltage stability based on the local loadability boundary or P- Q curve in two dimensional power parameter space. The proposed method includes three main steps. The first step is to determine the critical buses and the second step is building the local loadability boundary or the saddle node bifurcation set for those critical buses. The final step is assessing the static voltage stability through the distance from current operating point to the boundary. The critical buses are defined through the right eigenvector by direct method. The boundary obtained by the proposed method that is combining a variation of standard direct method and Thevenin equivalent model of electric power system is a quadratic curve. And finally the distance is computed through the Euclid norm of normal vector of the boundary at the closest saddle node bifurcation point. The advantage of the proposed method is that it keeps the advantages of both efficient methods, the accuracy of the direct method and simple of Thevenin Equivalent based method. Thus, the proposed method holds some promise in terms of performing the real time voltage stability assessment of power system. Test results of New England 39 bus system are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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