
Climate change and nitrogen (N) deposition are among the most important drivers of biodiversity change at a global scale. Although commonly considered separately in applied research, conservation, and policy development, both empirical evidence and modelling studies indicate that these two stressors may act synergistically and trigger a more pronounced biodiversity loss than each of them alone. Interactive effects thus need to be considered in biodiversity conservation. In this study, we propose a new method for jointly assessing risk from both stressors to habitats by combining climate envelope modelling and the evaluation of exceedance of empirical critical loads for eutrophication through N deposition. Based on this approach we can calculate a combined risk metric, which is the scaled exceedance of the N critical load and climatic thresholds in the three-dimensional space of N deposition, temperature, and water limitation. We use a habitat map to project this risk metric for 34 EUNIS habitat types across Austria. Resulting risk maps indicated that about 16 % of the area of these natural and semi-natural habitat types is currently at risk from either N exceedance, drought or warming. Using combinations of future climatic (RCP2.5 and RCP8.5) and N deposition (business as usual, current legislation and maximum feasible reduction) scenarios, we predict that the area at risk might increase to up to 19% until 2050, with risk from N-deposition decreasing and risk from climate change increasing. Combined impacts of both stressors affect only up to 2% of the entire evaluated area, but are much more frequent in particular habitat types such as oligotrophic bogs and subalpine to alpine grasslands. We conclude that this method provides a useful screening procedure to identify and compare areas and habitats under combined risk from both stressors and to thus support prioritization and decision making in biodiversity conservation.

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