
This dissertation proposes a new technique for efficient parallel solution of very large linear systems of equations on a SIMD processor. The model problem used to investigate both the efficiency and applicability of the technique was of a regular structure with semi-bandwidth $\beta,$ and resulted from approximation of a second order, two-dimensional elliptic equation on a regular domain under the Dirichlet and periodic boundary conditions. With only slight modifications, chiefly to properly account for the mathematical effects of varying bandwidths, the technique can be extended to encompass solution of any regular, banded systems. The computational model used was the MasPar MP-X (model 1208B), a massively parallel processor hostnamed hurricane and housed in the Concurrent Computing Laboratory of the Physics/Astronomy department, Louisiana State University. The maximum bandwidth which caused the problem's size to fit the nyproc $\times$ nxproc machine array exactly, was determined. This as well as smaller sizes were used in four experiments to evaluate the efficiency of the new technique. Four benchmark algorithms, two direct--Gauss elimination (GE), Orthogonal factorization--and two iterative--symmetric over-relaxation (SOR) ($\omega$ = 2), the conjugate gradient method (CG)--were used to test the efficiency of the new approach based upon three evaluation metrics--deviations of results of computations, measured as average absolute errors, from the exact solution, the cpu times, and the mega flop rates of executions. All the benchmarks, except the GE, were implemented in parallel. In all evaluation categories, the new approach outperformed the benchmarks and very much so when N $\gg$ p, p being the number of processors and N the problem size. At the maximum system's size, the new method was about 2.19 more accurate, and about 1.7 times faster than the benchmarks. But when the system size was a lot smaller than the machine's size, the new approach's performance deteriorated precipitously, and, in fact, in this circumstance, its performance was worse than that of GE, the serial code. Hence, this technique is recommended for solution of linear systems with regular structures on array processors when the problem's size is large in relation to the processor's size.

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