
A new fossil bird is described from the Early Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark. Pellornis mikkelseni gen. et sp. nov. is represented by a single specimen that consists of three-dimensionally preserved elements of the wing and pectoral girdle together with associated parts of the left hindlimb. Comparisons based on general morphology and particular characters of the wing and most elements of the pectoral girdle indicate that the new specimen is morphologically similar to the extinct taxon Messelornithidae (Messel rails). This similarity is also expressed by a phylogenetic analysis, which supports a close relationship between the new fossil and Messel rails. The morphology of the sternum, in particular, shows that the new fossil is distinguishable from other Messelornithidae. An interesting aspect of its morphology is the presence of limb specializations such as the extensive ossification of tendons—well known among running birds—that suggest the new Danish fossil may have been a ground bird with cursorial habits, a condition that was also previously hypothesized as typical for other Messel rails.

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