
Stability of the internal kink (IK) mode is numerically investigated with inclusion of the anisotropic thermal transport effect and the toroidal plasma flow. It is found that anisotropic thermal transport, in combination with plasma flow, stabilizes the IK in two ways. One is direct stabilization of the mode synergistically with plasma flow. The other, indirect stabilization involves generation of a finite mode frequency in static plasmas by thermal transport, which in turn invokes wave-wave resonance damping of the mode via interaction with stable shear Alfvén waves. This second IK stabilization mechanism is further corroborated by examining the eigenmode structure, which peaks at the radial locations where the mode frequency matches that of the shear Alfvén wave. Finally, two branches of unstable IK are identified, with mode conversion occurring at certain plasma flow speed and thermal transport level. These findings provide new physics insights in the IK stability in tokamak fusion plasmas.

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