
The Mongolian Precambrian and Cambrian event chronostratigraphic classification of sedimentary, sedimentary—volcanogenic, volcanogenic, and metamorphic rock sediments spread over the territory of Mongolia according to the new chronostratigraphic classification approved by the International Stratigraphic Commission is discussed. These ancient rock units are readily divided into two independent complexes. The lower complex (1000–3500 m) is represented by the Archean and Early Proterozoic crystalline basement and the upper complex is the latest Precambrian–Cambrian sediments (220–7500 m). A detailed study of abundant Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian faunal (ichnofossils, hexactinellid sponges, archaeocyaths, trilobites, etc.) and floral (stromatolites, microphytolites, cyanobacterial mats, microfossils, etc.) fossils provides the first regional chronostratigraphic subdivision of different facies sediments. Every stage is characterized by distinctive geohistorical and biological events.

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