
The lichen habit has apparently evolved independently in at least five major clades of mushroom-forming basidiomycetes (Agaricomycetes). Tracing the origin of lichenization in these groups depends on a clearer understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of basidiolichens to other fungi. We describe here a new family of basidiolichens made up of tropical, soil-inhabiting fungi that form lichenized, scale-like squamules and erect, coral-like fruiting structures. These structures are common to two basidiolichen genera, Multiclavula and Lepidostroma. Molecular studies have confirmed the phylogenetic position of Multiclavula species in the Cantharellales, but Lepidostroma species have never been sequenced. We obtained nuclear small and large subunit ribosomal sequences from specimens of L. calocerum collected in Costa Rica and Mexico and also from specimens of two Multiclavula spp. recently described from Rwanda. The phylogenetic placement of these fungi within the Agaricomycetes was investigated using likelihood and Bayesian analyses. Our results indicate that L. calocerum and the Rwandan species form a natural group unrelated to Multiclavula and sister to the Atheliales, members of which are neither lichen-forming nor clavarioid. The independent evolution of morphologically similar forms in so many groups of basidiomycetes is a remarkable example of convergence, indicating similar pathways to lichenization in these fungi.

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