
AbstractThe new standard conodont zonation includes, in succession from below: LowerPs. bicornisZone, UpperPs. bicornisZone, LowerP. procerusZone, UpperP. procerusZone, LowerK. ranuliformisZone, UpperK. ranuliformisZone,0. s. rhenanaZone, LowerK. walliseriZone, MiddleK. walliseriZone,K. patulaZone, uppermostK. walliserirange, postK. walliseriinterregnum,K. o. ortusZone and0. s. sagittaZone. Lower boundaries for each zone are defined or redefined. A less detailed biostratigraphic nomenclature at the superzone level is suggested for use where collections are inadequate: ThePterospathodusZonal group, the UpperPterospathodusZonal group, theP. amorphognathoidesZonal group, thePs. bicornisSuperzone, theP. procerusSuperzone, theK. ranuliformisSuperzone, theO. s. rhenanaSuperzone, theK. walliseriZonal group, the UpperK. walliseriSuperzone and theK. o. ortusSuperzone. These partly overlap and can be used according to the taxa present. The proposed zonation is applied to most known conodont sequences. The taxonomic concept of the taxa used is discussed; new taxa includeNudibelodina sensitiva, Ozarkodina paraconfluensandO. martinssoni.The species nameOzarkodina ortusis a senior synonym ofKockelella absidata.

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