
In this work we propose a new large field inflation model, parametrized by a parameter \( \beta\) sharing the same features with T-Model. We apply the slow-roll approximation to investigate the inflationary parameters, and we found that they depend on some value of \( \beta\) and the e-folds number Ne. In this context, we have computed and discussed the perturbation of the scalar curvature and determined the energy scale \( V_{0}\), which we found to be in the GUT regime. We also showed that, in our scenario, the various inflationary spectrum perturbation parameters, the spectral index \( n_{s}\), the ratio of tensor to scalar perturbations r and the running \( \frac{d ns}{d \ln k}\), perfectly agree with the recent experimental observations in the event \( \beta > 0.5\) and \( Ne\sim 45-60\). As a result we have reproduced successfully the main part, \( n_{s}-r\), consistent with Planck data.

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