
The low-fidelity simulation method cannot meet the requirements for predicting the performance of an adaptive cycle engine (ACE), especially when considering tip clearance variations in the compression and expansion systems. The tip clearances of the components of an ACE, such as the adaptive fan and turbine, vary drastically under different operating conditions. Though the tip clearance significantly impacts the engine’s performance, including its thrust and fuel consumption, variations in tip clearance are not considered in traditional ACE simulation models. This paper developed a new integrated model for predicting ACE performance, including multi-fidelity simulation models of the components and a newly developed, simplified model for predicting tip clearance. Specifically, the integrated model consists of a zero-dimensional (0D) engine performance simulation model, a three-dimensional (3D) adaptive fan numerical simulation model, a one-dimensional (1D) low-pressure-turbine (LPT) mean line model, and a multi-dimensional (MD) tip clearance prediction model. The integrated model solved the problem of considering the impact of tip clearance on an ACE and further improved the accuracy of thrust and fuel consumption predictions. Specifically, considering variations in the tip clearances under the design conditions, the differences in the thrust and specific fuel consumption (SFC) of the ACE are 1% and 0.3%, respectively. In conclusion, the integrated model provides a useful tool for evaluating the performance of an ACE while considering tip clearance variations.

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