
Recent experiments with single biological nanopores, as well as single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and pulling studies of protein and nucleic acid folding raised a number of questions that stimulated theoretical and computational investigations of barrier crossing dynamics. The present paper addresses a closely related problem focusing on trajectories of Brownian particles that escape from a cylindrical trap in the presence of a force F parallel to the cylinder axis. To gain new insights into the escape dynamics, we analyze the "fine structure" of these trajectories. Specifically, we divide trajectories into two segments: a looping segment, when a particle unsuccessfully tries to escape returning to the trap bottom again and again, and a direct-transit segment, when it finally escapes moving without touching the bottom. Analytical expressions are derived for the Laplace transforms of the probability densities of the durations of the two segments. These expressions are used to find the mean looping and direct-transit times as functions of the biasing force F. It turns out that the force-dependences of the two mean times are qualitatively different. The mean looping time monotonically increases as F decreases, approaching exponential F-dependence at large negative forces pushing the particle towards the trap bottom. In contrast to this intuitively appealing behavior, the mean direct-transit time shows rather counterintuitive behavior: it decreases as the force magnitude, |F|, increases independently of whether the force pushes the particles to the trap bottom or to the exit from the trap, having a maximum at F = 0.

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