
CologneAMS is the new Centre for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) at the University of Cologne. It will operate a dedicated AMS system designed to measure all standard cosmogenic nuclides ( 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 129I) and which uses a 6 MV Tandetron™ accelerator equipped with an all solid-state power supply, foil and gas stripper. The system also enables a sensitive detection of heavy ions up to 239U and 244Pu. The high-energy mass-spectrometer consists of a 90 degree magnet with a radius of 2 m and a mass-energy product of 351 AMU MeV to allow the detection of 244Pu 5+ up to the maximum terminal voltage of 6 MV. This magnet is followed by an electrostatic energy analyzer and a switching magnet that can transport the rare isotope beam into various beamlines. The switching magnet forms a third analyzing element which is needed especially for the sensitive detection of heavy elements. So far two beamlines are equipped with their own detection system. One of these lines is used for suppression of isobaric background in the case of the analysis of e.g. 36Cl. This is accomplished by an absorber foil which generates a Z-dependent energy loss in combination with a momentum/charge-state selection via a 120 degree magnet that features up to 30 mrad acceptance for efficient beam transport. In this contribution we will introduce the new Centre, the layout and specific characteristics of the AMS system as well as the main topics of the future scientific work to be performed at CologneAMS.

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