
Blaesoxipha rufipes (Macquart) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) is a parasitoid of some grasshoppers (Anene and Vajime, 1990; Pape, 1994; Baker and Barchia, 1997) and is distributed worldwide. In Japan, this species is recorded only from Hon shu and Kyushu (Kurahashi, 1964; Tadauchi, 2006) and only one host spec ies (Atractomorpha lata: Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) is reported (Miura and Ohgushi, 2010). This is the first report demonstrating that the acridid locust Oxya yezoensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) is a host of B. rufipes in Japan. We collected 58 adults of O. yezoensis including 45 males and 13 females in the farm field of Yamagata University, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan (48°44'N, 139°49'E) from late October to early November 2012. These locusts were kept in glass petri-dishes separately and reared under 22°C. The method for rearing locusts and fly larvae followed Miura and Ohgushi (2010). They were fed grasses and artificial diet beetles (Fruits-Nouen 50 FN-500, Marukan) and were supplied with water. Fly larvae emerged from 27 males and 12 females from late October to mid-November 2012. One to six B. rufipes larvae emerged from each parasitized locust. After emergence from the hosts, and before pupation the fly larvae were transferred individually to plastic petridishes with leaf mold. The petri-dishes were kept at 25°C in an incubator until the emergence of adult flies. Fifty-eight flies emerged from mid-November to early December 2012. Forty-eight specimens, including 21 males and 27 females, were morphologically identified as B. rufipes, but 10 specimens were not identifiable because they were damaged by fungi. This observation firstly confirmed that B. rufipes parasitizes O. yezoensis adults and that sometimes multiple B. rufipes larvae para sitize a single locust. The voucher specimens are deposited in the Labora tory of Systematic Ento mology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Uni versity (17 males and 25 females), Biosystematics Laboratory, Graduate School of Social and Cul tural Studies, Kyushu University (1 male and 1 female) and the private collection of Dr. H. Kurahashi (3 males and 1 female). Volume 124, Number 2, September 2014 139

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