
We are glad to be returning to active publishing again after a year’s hiatus, during which we relocated JAAACS from its original site at the University of Wisconsin-Stout to its new home at the University of British Columbia. We want to take this opportunity to thank UBC, and especially Peter Grimmett, head of Curriculum and Pedagogy, for welcoming JAAACS in and for providing us with a promising new publishing platform. This first issue of our eleventh volume also marks a transition in the editorial team, occasioned by the retirement of our founding editor, Alan Block, last year after ten years of dedicated service. Susan Jean Mayer, who is replacing Alan as editor-in-chief, and Patrick Roberts, who remains section editor of North American Literature, would like to welcome James Jupp to the team as section editor of International Literature. We are all also looking forward to working with our previous section editor of International Literature, Joao Paraskeva, in other capacities in coming years. Our current issue begins with the AAACS 2015 Presidential Address, given by Awad Ibrahim, who employs Hip-Hop in exploring the connections between educational literacy, youth and the boundaries of education. Following Ibrahim’s address, Bernadette Baker revisits the Dalai Lama’s 2005 exploration of Buddhist and Western conceptions of truth and empiricism, raising questions about the ontological and epistemological understandings current in our field. Next, Susan Jean Mayer considers some tensions in Gert Biesta’s most recent book, The Beautiful Risk of Education, which represents the third in what Biesta has come to see as a tripartite exposition of his theory of curriculum. In our fourth piece, James Magrini revisits a 1968 essay on Heidegger by Dwayne Huebner, which can be found in the 1999 collection of Huebner’s work, The Lure of the Transcendent. Magrini explores Heidegger’s and Huebner’s understandings of the relations between language and being in order to pursue the implications of those relations, in Huebner’s case, for the pedagogical relationship. We close our first volume in our new institutional home with a beautiful and evocative tribute to the life and work of Maxine Greene by Molly Quinn, her dear colleague and friend.

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