
A new bombycid genus Valvaribifidum is described based on V. huananense sp. nov. from South China. Trilocha sinica Dierl, 1979 is transferred to the new genus, i.e., Valvaribifidum sinica (Dierl 1979) comb. nov. The genus is separable from its closely related genus Triuncina Dierl, 1978 by male genitalia with valva bifid postmedially, costa long sickle-shaped, sacculus inflated, gnathos vestigial, saccus slender with apical oncoides, and aedeagus slender. A key to Valvaribifidum species is provided. Male adult and genitalia are described and illustrated. All type specimens are deposited in SCAU (South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China) and HUNAU (Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China).

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