
ABSTRACTThree hosts from Indo-west Pacific including Kiribati, Guam Island and Australia were examined, and found to be infested by three species of the subfamily Argeiinae. We describe Paraeragia kiribatiensis gen. nov., sp. nov. from Kiribati infesting Synalpheus gracilirostris. The new genus is most related to Eragia and it can be distinguished by female with triangular pleon, lateral plates extend posteriorly, paired uropods, widely opened brood pouch. Argeiopsis guamensis sp. nov. from Guam Island infesting Synalpheus cf. stimpsoni. The new species is most similar to Argeiopsis inhacae but differs in female with curved posterior margin of first oostegite, partly fused pleomeres, and male with head separated from first pereomere, pleon as wide as seventh pereomere. We also record Stegoalpheon kempi from Australia for the first time, infesting Alpheus cf. perplexus. Keys to the nine genera of Argeiinae, and to three species of Argeiopsis are provided. A table for all 13 species of Argeiinae with localities and host records is also provided. A table comparing the distribution of lateral plates and morphology of pleopods and uropods among argeiine genera is presented.http://www.zoobank/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:284AB32C-6AE5-45BC-9C5D-01B3030D6DE6

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