
The new taxon, Fushuniola mai Fedotova & Perkovsky, gen. et sp. nov., is described from a single female from the lower Eocene (Ypresian) Fushun amber from China. This is the second record of Cecidomyiidae known from Fushun amber. The first record is Cecidomyia bujunensis Naora. The new species is characterized by possessing flagellomeres with short neck and hair-shaped sensoria, very long mouth parts and palpi, wide head, short wings and very long apical lobes of ovipositor. It is distinctly different from all known Winnertziini by the very recurved vein R5 and very wide cells between veins C and R5. A diversity of gall midges from lower Eocene amber is presented. The new genus is close to the extant genus Rhipidoxylomyia, known from upper Eocene Rovno amber.

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