
While developing a new semi-Lagrangian solver, the gap between a linear Landau run in 1Dx1Dand a 5D gyrokinetic simulation in toroidal geometry is quite huge. Intermediate test cases are welcomefor testing the code. A new fully two-dimensional conservative semi-Lagrangian (CSL) method is presentedhere and is validated on 2D polar geometries. We consider here as building block, a 2D guiding-centertype equation on an annulus and apply it on two test cases. First, we revisit a 2D test case previouslydone with a PIC approach [18] and detail the boundary conditions. Second, we consider a 4D drift-kineticslab simulation (see [10]). In both cases, the new method appears to be a good alternative to deal withthis type of models since it improves the lack of mass conservation of the standard semi-Lagrangian (BSL)method.

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