
The resource need for deep learning and quantum computers' high computing power potential encourage collaboration between the two fields. Today, variational quantum circuits are used to perform the convolution operation with quantum computing. However, the results produced by variational circuits do not show a direct resemblance to the classical convolution operation. Because classical data is encoded into quantum data with their exact values in value-encoded methods, in contrast to variational quantum circuits, arithmetical operations can be applied with high accuracy. In this study, value-encoded quantum circuits for convolution and pooling operations are proposed to apply deep learning in quantum computers in a traditional and proven way. To construct the convolution and pooling operations, some modules such as addition, multiplication, division, and comparison are created. In addition, a window-based framework for quantum image processing applications is proposed. The generated convolution and pooling circuits are simulated on the IBM QISKIT simulator in parallel thanks to the proposed framework. The obtained results are verified by the expected results. Due to the limitations of quantum simulators and computers in the NISQ era, the used grayscale images are resized to 8x8 and the resolution of the images is reduced to 3 qubits. With developing the quantum technologies, the proposed approach can be applied for bigger and higher resolution images. Although the proposed method causes more qubit usage and circuit depth compared to variational convolutional circuits, the results they produce are exactly the same as the classical convolution process.

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