
In this paper we propose a new type of fold-cross metal mesh band pass filter, which keeps diffraction side lobe far away from the main transmission peak and shows much better side lobe suppression. Both experimental and theoretical studies are made to analyze the mechanism of side lobe. Compared to the traditional cross filter, the fold-cross filter has a much lower side lobe with almost the same central frequency, bandwidth and highest transmission about 98%. Using the photolithography and electroplating techniques, we experimentally extend the distance between the main peak and diffraction side lobe to larger than 1 THz for the fold-cross filter, which is two times larger than the cross filter while maintaining the main peak transmissions of 89% at 1.25 THz for the two structures. This type of single layer substrate-free fold-cross metal structure shows better design flexibility and structure reliability with the introduction of fold arms for metal mesh band pass filters.

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