
We have performed millimeter- and submilli- meter-wave survey observations using the Nobeyama millimeter array (NMA) and the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) in one of the nearest intermediate-mass (IM) star-forming regions: Orion Molecular Cloud-2/3 (OMC-2/3). Using the high-resolution capabilities offered by the NMA (∼several arcsec), we observed dust continuum and H13CO+(1–0) emission in 12 pre- and proto-stellar candidates identified previously in single-dish millimeter observations. We unveiled the evolutionary changes with variations of the morphology and velocity structure of the dense envelopes traced by the H13CO+(1–0) emission. Furthermore, using the high-sensitivity capabilities offered by the ASTE, we searched for large-scale molecular outflows associated with these pre- and proto-stellar candidates observed with the NMA. As a result of the CO(3–2) observations, we detected six molecular outflows associated with the dense gas envelopes traced by H13CO+(1–0) and 3.3 mm continuum emission. The estimated CO outflow momentum increases with the evolutionary sequence from early to late type of the protostellar cores. We also found that the 24 μm flux increases as the dense gas evolutionary sequence. We propose that the enhancement of the 24 μm flux is caused by the growth of the cavity (i.e. the CO outflow destroys the envelope) as the evolutionary sequence. Our results show that the dissipation of the dense gas envelope plays an essential role in the evolution of the IM protostars. The extremely high-sensitivity and high-angular resolution offered by ALMA will reveal unprecedented details of the inner ∼50 AU of these protostars, which will provide us a break through in the classic scenario of IM star/disk formation.

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