
ABSTRACT Cyber security is the most studied in recent years by the association of metaheuristic techniques thanks to their ability to solve optimization problems in a limited time and NP-hard problems. The Early Warning System (EWS) can identify malicious exercises and anomalies in the CPS and provide robust network systems protection. In addition, grouping attacks in EWS is important for defining defense policies. Information security in the CPS architecture is about securing information during data aggregation, large-scale processing and sharing in the network environment, especially low-linkage open networks. Motivated by these considerations, we propose a new security approach based on the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) metaheuristic algorithm to strengthen the security framework of the CPS architecture against the system and within CPS attacks. In this work, we propose a new Early Warning System approach based on metaheuristics. Based on two fundamental concepts of clustering, coherence and separation, an integrated index was proposed based on Davies-Bouldin (DB) and Silhouette Index (SI). An improved ABC algorithm was proposed based on these indices. After having identified two different types of an objective function, based on the above concepts, and after having tested the algorithm on DBSI, the results of the experiments found are auspicious.

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