
ABSTRACT Many fossil brachiopod genera are used to comprehend previous geological settings. Such fossils often provide trustworthy information about ancient earth configurations, such as the supercontinent Gondwana. This study presents a new occurrence of a discinoid brachiopod, from the Iapó and Vila Maria Formations of the Paraná Basin. Fossiliferous strata overlie deposits of glacial and post-glacial times, here interpreted as Hirnantian in age. This is the first occurrence of Kosoidea for Paleozoic strata of Brazilian Sedimentary Basins. A new discinoid species Kosoidea australis sp. nov. is erected. Disarticulated valves are extremely abundant as juveniles in transgressive marine mudrocks. The new species is characterised by a convexo-plane shell and a marked posterior triangular pedicle opening. The microornamentation consists of pits arranged in radial rays, mostly visible on the dorsal valve surface. Adults are rare, and a size-sorting process probably sieved and fragmented the valves during transportation and fossilisation. Medium to large discinoids – such as the one here described – are commonly associated with chilly waters. The presence of this genus both in Soom Shale (Cape Basin, South Africa) and in Paraná Basin, associated to sedimentological data points to a possible connection between the two in marginal basins of Gondwana, during the Early Paleozoic. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0E35F946-051C-4DD7-AA43-23E0FFD59FF3

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