
A new diagrammatic basis is presented for quantumelectrodynamical calculations on photonic processes andinteractions in atomic and molecular systems. Establishedthrough a multi-dimensional representation, in which eachdimension signifies photon interactions of a differentiabletype, the resultant interaction graphs prove to have advantagesover time-ordered diagrams. The representation registers anisomorphism of different photonic interactions, and allows thetreatment of all congruent processes within a common framework.Elementary examples are given to exhibit this feature. Principles are delineated for the construction of state-sequencediagrams from the interaction plane graphs. For any givenprocess each such diagram fully embodies the entire set oftime-ordered diagrams. Implementation of the method isextensively illustrated for a variety of high-order applications relevant to current laser experimentation. The newmethods prove to expedite analysis, affording a highly compactmeans of conveying information and, in higher-orderapplications, circumventing the calculational interpretation ofan extremely large number of time-ordered diagrams.

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