
ABSTRACT We have demonstrated a new design of a four-pass dye laser amplifier that can suppress parasitic oscillation in a multi-pass amplifier. Amplified spontaneous emission(ASE) in the output beam of the amplifier is reduced with adiffraction grating. A high-peak power pulsed dye laser beam is obtained by amplifying a continuous-wave narrow- bandwidth dye laser with power gain greater than 2 x 106. The eventual bandwidth ofthe pulses is measured to be — 130MHz. The obtained ASE ratio of the four-pass amplifier system is < 1 .5 %. Also, we have obtained a high-resolutioncoherent anti-Stoke Raman spectrum of oxygen in air using the laser system. Keywords: laser amplfler, multi-pass amplfIer, dye laser, ampl/Ied spontaneous emission, high-resolution laser spectroscopy, coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy. 1. INTRODUCTION The pulsed dye lasers have been widely used in many spectroscopic applications and other nonlinear optical studies owing to their high peak power capability and tunability. However, especially for high resolution nonlinear laser

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