
A new species of deep waterEpimeriais described based on material collected in 1526–1586 m depth during the TALUD X expedition in the central Gulf of California, Mexico. It is the sixth species of this genus reported for the East Pacific.Epimeria morroneisp. nov. is morphologically similar toE. norfanziLörz, 2011 (New Zealand, 1268 m depth) andE. coraJ.L. Barnard, 1971 (off Oregon, USA, 2086 m depth).Epimeria morroneisp. nov., however, differs from these two species by a combination of several characters, including: vestigial eyes; multidentate mandibular lacinia mobilis; a distinct setae arrangement in palm and dactylus of gnathopods 1–2; the shape and relative size of coxae 1–5; and the shape of the telson.

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