
utility room. Four baths, take Mrs. King to the operating room, catheterize Mrs. Johannes, and off at ten. Guess I can make it, she murmured as she turned on the hot water faucet. A minute later she was vigorously bathing Mrs. King. I'm awfully cold, said Mrs. King, before the process was half over. Miss Kerry didn't know that the water which was evaporating from Mrs. King's not too well dried skin was cooling itself and her patient's surroundings because it must get its latent heat of evaporation from some source.' Neither did she know that the wool blanket, which she goodnaturedly flung over the light cotton bath blanket, kept Mrs. King warm because animal fibers have a lower conductivity of heat than vegetable fibers.2 Anyway, it was a good thing the blanket was wool because just then the head nurse called Miss Kerry to catheterize Mrs. Johannes for residual urine. The trim little nurse scrubbed

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