
The SUERC Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory has recently replaced its spreadsheet-based record keeping with a new database program, custom designed to help laboratory staff manage the high throughput of nearly 5000 cathodes in the past year. The system can accept data from a variety of sources in addition to manual entry; experimental results can be uploaded from spreadsheets, while integration with graphitization lines means that graphite yields are automatically recorded. The system is able to pass14C results directly to OxCal v 4 for calibration, with the resulting plots incorporated into the dating certificates issued to submitters. There are also benefits to submitters, with electronic sample submission both eliminating transcription errors and speeding up the logging-in process, which keeps turnaround times down. For bone samples, data on collagen yields are now stored electronically and are more readily obtainable from the laboratory. The new SUERC Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory database will make a significant contribution to maintaining the high quality of results produced by the laboratory, aiding staff in tracking sample progress, and monitoring quality assurance (QA) samples going through the laboratory, eliminating transcription errors, and making communication easier between laboratory staff and sample submitters.

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