
MANY and varied are the problems arising from the New Woman question, but of them all none comes nearer the nerves than that of the homeless wage-earning woman who is passing or past middle life. The present generation is only now beginning to realize that the proof of a pudding is in the eating, and while this pudding has much to commend it in generous size, shape, and color, there are not a few who find grievous fault with its flavor and digestibility. In every city and town of the Republic may be found large numbers of teachers, doctors, nurses, and business women who are practically homeless and in most cases unsatisfied. I do not include the Grand Army of Selfish Ones who are too indifferent to keep their homes, but mean the women who toil for their daily bread and exist, not live, in hotels and boardinghouses. In the enthusiasm of youth such a life may be bearable, but after a few years women of the right sort find something desperately wanting, a something which defines itself as the wish for homes of their

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