
Tc-99m-MAG3 (tubular agent) provides high imaging quality and extraction efficiency; and has become one of the most widely used agent for scintigraphic examinations of urinary system pathologies and renal transplants. Recently, it was reported that functional magnetic resonance urography (FMRU) can be sufficient in detection of urinary tract obstruction, renal artery stenosis, calculation of kidney functions and evaluation of renal transplants. However the pharmacokinetics of magnetic resonance (MR) contrast-media used in FMRU and Tc-99m-MAG3 differs from each other. This may cause discordant results between the FMRU and most of the scintigraphic studies. To our knowledge, there is no contrast-media which is specific for FMRU. A kidney specific contrast material can be developed for FMRU studies as well. MAG3 is a good candidate for this chelation. In conclusion, MR imaging (MRI) will be the most useful and important technique for morphologic–functional evaluation of urinary system. FMRU examinations performed with MAG3 chelated gadolinium can be sufficient for the complete evaluation of urinary tract even in patients with impaired renal functions (“all in one MRI”). MRI has some important advantages including no risk for radiation exposure, high temporal and spatial resolution, no need for nephrotoxic contrast agent; besides being a fast and feasible technique. Gadolinium-containing contrast agents may cause a life-threatening adverse reaction known as nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in patients with severe renal impairment, but Gd-MAG3 may reduce the risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis due to its higher extraction capacity and other features.

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