
Due to the priority of the epithet, a new combination, Alafia erythrophthalma (K. Schu- mann) Leeuwenberg, is needed; Alafia grandis Stapf is placed into synonymy. Two new species, A. falcata Leeuwenberg and A. velutina Leeuwenberg, have been discovered among the collections made in Gabon by Le Testu. cence terminal, many-flowered, 5.5-7.5 x 6-7.5 cm, dense. Peduncle 5-25 mm long, glabrous; ped- icels 6-12 mm long, glabrous or sparsely puberu- lous. Bracts sepal-like and 0.5x as long as the se- pals. Flowers: Sepals ovate, 1.5-2 x as long as wide, 2.5-3 x 1.5-1.7 mm, rounded, puberulous outside, glabrous inside and with 1-2 large colleters; col- leters 1.5 x 1-1.5 mm, lobed. Corolla white or cream, with an ovoid head in the mature bud about half as long as the tube, glabrous outside, long- ciliate at the part of the lobes covered in bud and shortly so or not at the other part, puberulous inside in a belt from the mouth to the insertion of the stamens or from the mouth down for only 4 mm, pubescent belt below insertion of stamens 1-2 mm

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