
A new class of crystal shapes has been developed for x-ray spectroscopy of point-like or small (a few mm) emission sources. These optics allow for dramatic improvement in both achievable energy resolution and total throughput of the spectrometer as compared with traditional designs. This class of crystal shapes, collectively referred to as the Variable-Radii Spiral (VR-Spiral), utilize crystal shapes in which both the major and minor radii are variable. A crystal using this novel VR-Spiral shape has now been fabricated for high-resolution Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) experiments targeting the Pb-L3 (13.0keV) absorption edge at the National Ignition Facility. The performance of this crystal has been characterized in the laboratory using a microfocus x-ray source, showing that high-resolution high-throughput EXAFS spectra can be acquired using this geometry. Importantly, these successful tests show that the complex three-dimensional crystal shape is manufacturable with the required precision needed to realize the expected performance of better than 5eV energy resolution while using a 30mm high crystal. An improved generalized mathematical form for VR-Spiral shapes is also presented allowing improved optimization as compared to the first sinusoidal-spiral based design. This new formulation allows VR-Spiral spectrometers to be designed at any magnification with optimized energy resolution at all energies within the spectrometer bandwidth.

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