
The oscillatory or Apollonian packing in two dimensions is well known and is described for example in [13]. Recently we investigated the three dimensional osculatory packing of a sphere [4] However, the results of that paper indicate that, for N > 3, ΛΓ-dimensional osculatory packings are irregular and not invariant under inversion as is the case for N = 2 and 3. In this paper we introduce a class of packings which we call discrete packings, and produce some examples. This class is analogous to the class of lattice packings which appear in the theory of packings of equal spheres. We shall use the systems of polyspherical coordinates developed in [4]. Section 2 contains a description of these as well as the proofs of some additional results needed here. The idea of the separation Δ{X, Y) between two spheres X and Y will again play an important role. In § 3 we consider inversively generated configurations obviously generalizing the construction used in [4]. That is, we begin with a 'cluster' of (N + 2) disjoint spheres and by successive inversions replace the spheres one at a time with new spheres in such a way that the separations between the spheres in the new cluster are the same as for the initial cluster. In terms of polyspherical coordinates the necessary inversions are represented by matrices which preserve a certain indefinite quadratic form. Repetition of the process leads to a configuration of spheres in EN which may or may not be a packing, depending on the initial cluster. In § 4 we give sufficient conditions under which an inversively generated configuration is a packing. The conditions force the separations between the spheres in the configuration to lie in a discrete subset of the rational numbers, hence the name 'discrete packing'. In addition to the two and three dimensional osculatory packings, we give examples of discrete packings for dimensions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9. We do not know yet whether such packings exist in all dimensions. The examples we have found are given in § 6. The packings described in § 4 are not in general osculatory; that is, the largest possible sphere is not generated at each step. However,

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