
Certified reference material (CRM) for natural (40K,210Pb,210Po,226Ra,228Ra,228Th,230Th,232Th,234U,235U, and238U) and anthropogenic (137Cs,239+240Pu, and241Am) radionuclides in marine sediment from the Baltic Sea (IAEA-465) has been developed. Information values are given for 238Pu,239Pu and240Pu. Altogether 27 laboratories participated in this exercise. Radiometric (alpha-spectrometry, gamma-spectrometry and beta counting, as well as mass spectrometry (ICP-MS and AMS) techniques were applied in measurements. The CRM is intended to be used for Quality Assurance/Quality Control of radionuclide analyses, for the development and validation of analytical methods, for the development of reference methods and for training purposes.

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