
The relationship of cell surface changes to proliferative decline of human diploid fibroblasts was investigated using the concanavalin A-mediated red blood cell adsorption assay. The amount of the red blood cells adsorbed to human diploid fibroblasts via concanavalin A increased continuously from the early phases of cell passage up through cell senescence, while the amount of 3H-concanavalin A binding did not change to a significant extent. The red blood cell adsorption is not a function of cell cycle phase and time spent in culture. Cocultivation of young cells with old cells also did not affect the adsorption capacity of respective cells. Thus, the concanavalin A-mediated red blood cell adsorption can be expected to serve as a new cell surface marker for aging in vitro. Using this marker, it was revealed that transient cell size or 3H-thymidine incorporating capacity di not have a direct relationship with the division age of a cell. Small rapidly dividing cells in old populations resemble large slowly dividing or nondividing cells of the same populations and differ from small rapidly dividing cells in young populations, in terms of cell surface properties.

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