
Trichomycterus wapixana is described from the Branco river basin, Roraima State, northern Brazil. It belongs to the T. hasemani group, composed of T. hasemani, T. johnsoni and T. anhanga and defined by the presence of a single wide cranial fontanel delimited by the frontal and supraoccipital, absence of the pores i1 and i3, absence of branchiostegal rays on the posterior ceratohyal and the by the presence of a large and distally expanded process on the palatine. It differs from the other species of that assemblage by having a unique combination of character states, including number of vertebrae, relative position of anal fin, relative position of pelvic and dorsal fin, presence of pelvic fin and pelvic girdle, number of dorsal and ventral procurrent rays in the caudal fin, anal-fin rays, pectoral-fin rays, branchiostegal rays, pleural ribs, morphology of palatine, presence of parasphenoid and relative position of urogenital pore.

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