
Lithium-ion battery on-line monitoring is challenging due to the unmeasurable characteristic of its internal states. Up to now, the most effective approach for battery monitoring is to apply advanced estimation algorithms based on equivalent circuit models. Besides, a usual method for estimating slowly varying unmeasurable parameters is to include them in the state vector with the zero-time derivative condition, which constitutes the so-called extended equivalent circuit model and has been widely used for the battery state and parameter estimation. Although various advanced estimation algorithms are applied to the joint estimation and dual estimation frameworks, the essence of these estimation frameworks has not been changed. Thus, the improvement of the battery monitoring result is limited. Therefore, a new battery monitoring structure is proposed in this paper. Firstly, thanks to the superposition principle, two sub-models are extracted. For the nonlinear one, an observability analysis is conducted. It shows that the necessary conditions for local observability depend on the battery current, the initial value of the battery capacity, and the square of the derivative of the open circuit voltage with respect to the state of charge. Then, the obtained observability analysis result becomes an important theoretical support to propose a new monitoring structure. Commonly used estimation algorithms, namely the Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter, and unscented Kalman filter, are selected and employed for it. Apart from providing a simultaneous estimation of battery open circuit voltage, more rapid and less fluctuating battery capacity estimation are the main advantages of the new proposed monitoring structure. Numerical studies using synthetic data have proven the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


  • As a typical type of electrochemical power source, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) undergo degradation in both energy capacity and internal resistance during their irreversible aging process [1].a reliable and efficient operation of LIBs requires monitoring, control, and management [2,3]

  • state of charge (SOC) and parameter estimation module use the information of the (k−1)th step; while the state transfer matrix F(k) and the so-called control input matrix G(k) of (11) are calculated with the latest information of the kth step, namely the estimation is executed with the updated battery equivalent circuit models (ECMs) parameters

  • Comparison with estimation results from the joint estimation frameworks composed of extended Kalman filter (EKF) or unscented Kalman filter (UKF) respectively will be presented

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A New Cascaded Framework for Lithium-Ion Battery

Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et Electronique de Paris, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Received: 19 December 2019; Accepted: 23 January 2020; Published: 4 February 2020

Battery ECM
Extended Battery ECM
Local Observability Conditions for the Extended Battery ECM
Battery ECM Decomposition
Observability Analysis for the Extended Sub-Models
New Cascaded Framework
Battery Usable Capacity Estimation
Battery OCV Estimation
Battery SOC and ECM Parameter Estimation
Observability Conditions’ Assessment
Evaluation of the New Estimation Structure
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