
Let f be a holomorphic Hecke eigenform for Γ0(N ) of weight k, or a Maass eigenform for Γ0(N ) with Laplace eigenvalue 1/4 + k. Let g be a fixed holomorphic or Maass cusp form for Γ0(N ). A subconvexity bound for central values of the Rankin-Selberg L-function L(s, f ⊗ g) is proved in the k-aspect: L(1/2+ it, f ⊗ g) N ,g,t,e k, while a convexity bound is only k. This new bound improves earlier subconvexity bounds for these Rankin-Selberg L-functions by Sarnak, the authors, and Blomer. Techniques used include a result of Good, spectral large sieve, meromorphic continuation of a shifted convolution sum to −1/2 passing through all Laplace eigenvalues, and a weighted stationary phase argument.

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