
The proposed Boolean-based multiple secret image sharing technique can share many secret images among participants using low computational Boolean operations. Previous studies dealt with sharing identically sized secret images; however, secret images may be of different sizes when applied to general usage. Therefore, this paper presents two schemes, PDSR and FDSR, for sharing different sized secret images. These two schemes preserve significant property to use the same function to generate shadows that are shared by the secret images and to recover the secret images using those shared shadows. The difference between the two identified schemes consists of the recovery when the shared shadows suffer from attacks. In PDSR, attacks that happened outside the minimum-sized area, which is defined as the minimum shared shadow size between secret images, only fails to recover the corresponding secret image. But, attacks within the minimum-sized area fail to recover any of these secret images. In FDSR, any attack on shared shadows leads to false recovery of any secret image. Experimental results show that these two proposed schemes take similar computation time to share and to recover different sized secret images. Compared with related Boolean-based schemes, these two proposed schemes provide high security on shared shadows and overcome all drawbacks that other schemes encounter.

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