
The webometric ranking system is currently one of the most widely used methods to rank website quality including for university websites. It uses pre-determined weights for the criteria assessed in these method; therefore, raised a question whether the pre-determined weigh is objective. Entropy method provides a more objective weighing method criterion. This study aims to compare the use of the entropy method followed by PROMETHEE II methods to evaluate 27 Indonesian university websites. The entropy method assesses four indicators: visibility, presence, openness and excellence of the website performance. The PROMETHEE II method was conducted to provide a complete ranking of university websites from the best to the worst, based on a pair-wise comparison of alternatives along each recognized criterion. The entropy method resulted in 0,3; 0,17;0,23; and 0,27 for visibility, presence, openness and excellence weights, respectively. The website ranking using PROMETHEE II method was not significantly different from the ranking generated from the webometric ranking system. To conclude, the use of entropy as a more objective method followed by PROMETHEE II is a reasonable alternative of the webometric system for ranking university websites, at least in the Indonesian context.

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