
AbstractThe sparse matrix vector product (SpMV) is a key operation in engineering and scientific computing and, hence, it has been subjected to intense research for a long time. The irregular computations involved in SpMV make its optimization challenging. Therefore, enormous effort has been devoted to devise data formats to store the sparse matrix with the ultimate aim of maximizing the performance. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have recently emerged as platforms that yield outstanding acceleration factors. SpMV implementations for NVIDIA GPUs have already appeared on the scene. This work proposes and evaluates a new implementation of SpMV for NVIDIA GPUs based on a new format, ELLPACK‐R, that allows storage of the sparse matrix in a regular manner. A comparative evaluation against a variety of storage formats previously proposed has been carried out based on a representative set of test matrices. The results show that, although the performance strongly depends on the specific pattern of the matrix, the implementation based on ELLPACK‐R achieves higher overall performance. Moreover, a comparison with standard state‐of‐the‐art superscalar processors reveals that significant speedup factors are achieved with GPUs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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