
Through the current study, a new approach combining the Hadj Arab (HA) translation’s method and an efficient solver for systems of nonlinear equations with singular Jacobian (ASSJ) has been developed, in the aim to extract the main five parameters from experimental (I–V) curves. Firstly, Hadj Arab method was used to translate the measured I–V curve at any weather conditions into a reference I–V curve at standard test conditions (STC) (25°C, 1000W/m2). The key points given by the I–V curve reference were then used by the one diode model to obtain the five parameters reference. Two models, namely: Model 1 with the serial resistance reference (RSref) and Model 2 with calculated serial resistance (RS) were used to simulate the behaviour of an aging Isofoton (106/12) PV module. Following, comparison and validation upon the outdoor measurements, Model 1 was selected and employed to simulate the behaviour of an aging connected PV plant with a rated power of 3.2kWp. Thus to predict its output power under real conditions. Twenty five I–V curves references were used to get twenty five different parameters vectors for modelling the PV plant. The validation of the proposed model based on different five parameters vectors has been carried out by confronting the results, given by the model with the measured output power for two different case studies (clear day, and cloudy day). The results averred a good agreement with an error below 4%. Finally the five parameters vector has been selected for modelling the behaviour of the aging connected PV plant. The effectiveness of the developed model in simulating and predicting the behaviour of the aging connected PV plant under different weather conditions has been approved.

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