
Soufli, a small Greek border settlement, presents a widely recognized dipole of tourist destinations, a unique National Park and its silk tradition, including the circle of the relevant economy and its historical-architectural heritage. This prevailing local identity is gradually de-facto structured as a holistic model. Private entrepreneurship plays the first role, other stakeholders being local administration, education, associations and the citizens themselves as active participants. Thus, an open town-museum of silk is formulated, with five complementary museums and collections, two silk factories, an old emblematic factory, in restoration by the Municipality, numerous silk shops, decades of silkworm breeders enterprises, mulberry trees, two public, silk-oriented training foundations, an environmental center, events, International Conferences, workshops and exhibitions by world famous firms, Greek and foreign universities visiting and working on place, in a trans-border and transnational cooperation. In 2021 Soufli was chosen by the World Tourism Organization among the Best Tourism Villages, awarded with a valuable branding, which strengthens its position in the world map of silk.

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